GPL v3.18 APSMX-318
( Required PHP version >= 5.2 )
This is a free ajax poll script ( PHP + jQuery ). You can display polls and the results on any HTML pages. ( pages don't have to be PHP ) Ajax Poll Script displays poll results on the same page without moving to another page, saves poll results on flat files and hence does not require any databases. No restrictions on the poll style. HTML+PHP templates allow you to freely create your own style of online polls.
Easy installation: Just upload the script to your website!
Easy integration: Add three lines of code to your web page and your poll shows up!
A single installation allows you to create multiple polls.
Multiple polls with different styles can coexist on a single web page.
Prevent users from voting more than once by IP address and Cookie.
Allow voters to select multiple options.
Specify starting time to open poll automatically.
Specify ending time to close poll automatically. 

Variable-width design: Can expand to the outer container. Fits your page layout easily. 

Remembers and highlights the option you voted for. 

Can run PHP code in poll templates, which opens up unlimited possibilities!

The following demos are configured to prevent you form voting more than once. To go around the restriction, click "Reset IP & Cookie Block" button. Then you'll be able to vote again. When you put polls on your web page, you should of course remove the button. It's quite easy to remove it.